so we've been talking for a long time
and i ask you to contribute to our cause
because we've been having some talks
um i've known you for a long time you
helped raise me
always give me advice when i need and
that's why i thought you would
definitely be a good person to interview
thank you
how are you doing today
doing pretty good how's you how are you
pretty good excited to
hear what you have to say
um so we were talking about some things
and one of the things that was so
interesting to me was
uh who was the most significant person
in your life uh so can we talk a little
bit more about that
sure um
i've had quite a few people that i can
say has been there for me
over these past
i won't give my age maybe a few decades
i'll say
but the most influential person i have i
have to go with my aunt anita
she was like a second mom to me and
often times she was like
my mom
when i needed her um she's been there
with me since birth
and i still talk to her like each and
every day
up until now like
um if i have an issue
um she's the person i'm gonna call
she's the reason i've gone to college
she's the reason i
pretty much started my business
like she keeps me going she makes sure
i remember who i am and i don't give up
on myself
and i love that about her
outside of what she's done for me her as
a person
influences me because she of the way she
is with her family
she's not one of those people that
say oh you're 18 now
so you're on your own she's there for
you with you with her kids in
even with me as her niece she's been
there for me with for for the long haul
i don't know how detail you want me to
get with the question but
to answer your question i'd have to go
with my aunt ranita
no that was perfect
oh you're also talking about some of the
things like how you've given me advice
help me
navigate some uh or avoid some pitfalls
thank you
and always been there for me and then um
we were kind of talking about it you're
wishing you could give this advice to
your teenage self so i guess the next
question is what advice would you give
to your teenage self if you could
oh my god
i've always been one that said that i
don't regret anything i believe
everything happens for a reason
so if i had a chance to go back and
change something i'm not sure i would
just because i wouldn't be sure
but knowing what i know now if i could
go whisper in my ear
um my teenage self i would definitely
tell her
don't take the easy way out
i would tell her if it looks good too
good to be true then most likely it is
i would tell her to stay focused and
be mindful of the individuals around you
because not everyone has your best
interests at heart
it's those people that um outside of
family i should say
it would it's those people that seems to
have a strong interest in your life
that are the ones you need to watch out
for i would definitely tell her that
i made some decisions as a teenager that
i i won't say i regret making but they
made my life much harder than it needed
to be
and so if i can go back i would
definitely let her know
that um the easy way is not always the
best way
well that's really amazing and i really
thank you for opening up and sharing all
that with us
you're welcome
i'll talk to you soon