so i just met you uh today so i don't
know much about you
all i know is that you had a career an
in it and then you made a switch to
something different and i also know that
you come from a very privileged
background so just tell me about your
journey about what made you uh you know
jump this ship and take this leap of
faith like tell us a little bit what
so i did my engineering from rv college
uh engineering um and uh after that we
got placed automatically we get a lot of
placements in the from the college
coming from a very good uh college that
it is
uh so i got placed on cognizant and
after working for uh
almost a year or something
i started asking some
uh questions which i have never asked
before mainly because things were not
working very well for me and things were
already fall into place till then
like not working in this end like in the
job uh in your energy yeah so i was not
doing great like and i was uh and i
figured it's not that even if i don't
know the work it's not like
we can't learn it right we obviously can
learn it yeah and and i figured that
i don't have the passion to learn it
yeah um i don't have that
to you know go for it and do a little
more research and see how i can get
better that was missing so and i figured
it's not that it's completely missing in
my life in all areas there were other
areas like i was a theater artist uh no
actually i became a theater artist after
this after getting into it and i figured
i'm very interested there and um and
spirituality i'm very interested in how
humans interact and how human behavior
is and all of these uh things are
something that i'm really interested in
so it it took me quite some time to you
know ask these questions and figure out
but obviously uh leaving the job is was
definitely not easy i got a lot of
pressure from my parents and and uh they
made it very clear that they're not
going to support me
and i have to look out for myself so i
was okay with it so that is the
thing um that is the brave step that i
did take though it was really not easy i
was very tempted many times to go back
and you know um just take it because uh
it's it's uh
you get the salary properly yeah you get
a security of the salary right i mean
that's a big thing yeah
but as a um as a artist or as a yoga
instructor i don't have that but uh i
feel like if you are passionate enough
and if you are willing to work enough
towards it
you you will definitely
find a way
that was like you know it seemed that
you were almost torn mentally like you
know you wanted to leave it
what was it that made you like what was
that incident you have any incident that
i'm sure there was something that made
it trigger like you were not doing great
at your work you were probably
constantly like under stress because
your mind was not there but what was
that one incident that made you jump the
um actually to be very frank it was not
like one incident it was like many
incidents like and i was like also uh
exploring this uh egoic outlook uh of
the whole uh thing that is there
associated with it like having a
software job is said to be a very good
uh uh
thing for the outside world like for the
society yeah so
and it is and my parents were proud of
it as well so they didn't wanted me to
leave it just because they can say that
their daughter was working in a software
company and and i it didn't even matter
to me for me it like
it doesn't matter at all but for them it
mattered so much then i realized i'm
probably doing it for them and even when
i got the job i actually told the
interviewer person believe it or not
that why they asked me why do you want
this job i said my father wanted me to
do this job
i actually told this
yeah so i actually came to this point
where like why am i doing what am i
doing for whom am i doing this i mean is
that really what matters and then i
figured if if i'm really happy gonna be
really happy and content within myself
don't want i spread that happiness
around and probably my parents will
maybe they're not okay right now but
later it might it will be infectious and
they will probably be okay with it
you know that's the that's the faith i
had though i was not really sure and it
was uh it's not really easy also i felt
like maybe i asked i keep asking myself
right that what made me you know take
this uh audacious uh move
maybe it's because i'm privileged also
and you know
like i don't have this nagging feeling
that you know i'll be destitute in some
like in my old age or that i have a
dirty blanket right you have a security
like you know probably things worst to
worst you know some my parents would be
there you know they'll figure it out
they'll give me some property or
you know that that is always like that
though they i know that i wouldn't ask
uh and my parents made it here that they
wouldn't give so
like i know that's there so yeah
probably i took that faith into
consideration and took this step but
they have not supported me very frankly
they didn't uh they made sure they
didn't give me a penny and i supported i
made sure i worked and supported myself
throughout even now and even uh like
right now also i'm pursuing my higher
studies i'm doing masters in
anthropology and in yoga
so both of them i'm doing it myself like
i'm not asking anybody else so
so yeah that's how it's going on yeah
yeah no this is really fascinating
because i think
basically what you're saying is
you worked in this high-paying job just
to satisfy
everybody else rather than yourself
yes that
that's what made me realize like you
i have to figure out what i want to do
like uh is this spiritually
am i really concerned is that really
that drives me yes so that's why yoga is
always like yoga is always something
that is always attracted to attracted to
it's not that i plan to you know take up
yoga and i was like okay let me be a
teacher i didn't do that
but uh even when i did a ttc like
teacher training program i was not sure
like you know because it's a vast
subject and uh you need a lot of
authority or some something uh to start
teaching teaching is not very easy thing
so i did take quite some time like two
years or three years and um i was so
part-time acting till then and
everything and then then i started
teaching when i figured that yes i have
to really do this and yeah
yeah no
i mean no richness sorry i qualified you
actually what you're saying is so truth
to so many people including me you
really have to find the passion right to
be happy
and i can see this in your face you've
got this glow about you and i'm so glad
you found your passion it took a little
bit of struggle but thank you so much
for sharing your story and you know
telling everybody that it's okay to
not be financially well off but find
your passion and it's not easy to do
yes lucky you found it pretty easily
yes because even today like today
morning i every day morning i get up and
i actually read this like this is the
yoga raha of nathu muni okay and i want
to read this every day i want to get up
and i want to read this and nobody is
obliging and like nobody's forcing me to
do it yeah i want to leave this right uh
it's written by krishnamacharya if you
want let me ask you how did you even
discover that yoga was your passion
so it just
um so i just knew i'm interested in it
that is all i didn't
know know that this is what i want to
pursue in i didn't know but
i saw there is an earning opportunity
also and uh but i was always i was
always spiritually slightly inclined
so um and i was good in yoga
very flexible body so i feel like yeah
probably i can do this you know and and
when i started into it i figured like
yes it gets more interesting and more
interesting and more interesting day by
day the many aspects to it and i want to
learn all of that
probably if i was still in idea i don't
know if i would get up you know sleep
some programming language of the morning
five o'clock i don't know if i would be
doing that you know or driven to do that
i don't know
no no true truth to that because what
you're saying right everybody wants to
find that passion and i think you come
from a privileged background besides
that you have found it and that's the
i would say it's a very nice thing to
find that yes i would say that not that
i've received any support for it in any
way nobody have actually supported me so
it's been very confusing i'm not i'm not
uh exaggerating about it it's been
extremely confusing and nobody supports
you you would start to question it a lot
more and see like maybe maybe i'm wrong
like am i really correct you know you
start a lot of self inquiry but uh
very thankfully uh
i have received help and i've needed the
most so and uh
i would say in that way also i'm very
privileged i have seen that not
everybody just just like that receive
help them when they want to when they
need it and and i'm probably just very
blessed uh to receive guidance and say
that you know what you're okay
you're you're if you're feeling right
about this trust your instincts
yeah and go for it yeah great gradually
yeah go ahead
i've actually gone to many astrologers
as well you know when you feel hopeless
and blessed
you could go to astrologers
person who studied science is still
believing in astrology and everything i
don't actually i don't but you know you
get to a space where you feel utterly
hopeless in life and you don't know if
what you're doing is fine or because we
are not really
empowered to take decisions in our life
as in in your in indian society uh for
especially for girl child and not
empowered so when you when you're doing
something like this you get a lot of
doubt so
yeah i've gone through that
self-doubt i don't think there's any way
to get around it right that's
everybody's questioning everybody's
think like
am i doing the right thing right
all the time
i know